Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Overcoming Sin

I haven't posted in awhile due to school and such, but there has been some growth in the past few weeks! I've started a book "How can I change?" for small groups. The book's focus has been about sanctification. I'm not very good at articulating what I read or think most of the time, but God has really given me a mindset that fights off the feelings of condemnation. I understand and have understood that Christ's righteousness was imputed to me by his death on the cross. But there is still sin in my life. His blood covers that, but there should be a change that takes place. I'm not saying salvation by works here, please don't misunderstand me. Here are some things I got from Chapter 3.

"Our union with Christ is dynamic, not static. He has grafted us into a growing relationship."

We died to sin. This doesn't mean that sin is no longer a struggle for us. It does mean that the penalty of sin (death) is no longer a problem for us. Also, we died to the reign of sin. This doesn't mean that we are no longer able to sin because we still do, but it means that we are able not to sin in our union with Christ. In other words, before I came to Christ I was a obligated to sin because of my nature, but because of my union with Christ in his death, I am no longer obligated to sin. I have a desire to not grieve God anymore. There have been several times this week that I have been tempted to sin, but by God's grace, I haven't because of the recollection of these facts in Chapter 3. It's hard for me to have faith at times, but I'm starting to get it. All by God's doing!