Saturday, July 17, 2010

Back from the Appalachian Trail

The trail was the hardest thing physically/ mentally I have ever had to do! It was great though to accomplish something that wasn't easy. It was a good experience and I definitely needed to get away. I also enjoyed good fellowship on the trip. So now I am back and I am having trouble adjusting back to "civilized" life. I miss the trail in some ways. I miss the exercise, the people, the scenery, the animals, and roughing it. I honestly can see why people go back now. I'll try to post some of my random thoughts about the trip in more detail, but it is hard for me to share the experience. In a way, it is a "had to be there" kind of thing because every moment is a memory it seems like and you don't want to leave out any details. I am so glad I went and I will try to share my journey in the upcoming days.


  1. I am glad you are back! I am not surprised that you persevered, but by the fact that you can spell Appalachian. :)

  2. I'm so glad you got to do this!!! I was praying God would give you strenght to finish!!! =) But you are gonna have to share as much detail with me, because I don't think it's something I could do! ;) haha

  3. Mark,
    I am so thrilled that you got to experience the AT! It *is* something that is hard to explain to people who haven't done it...and there definitely is a bond between fellow AT hikers.

    I can't wait to sit down and here about your personal experience on the trail.

    P.S. I love your trail name!
