Friday, May 14, 2010

How do we share what we believe with people who don't share the same theology as we do?

Does anybody have an answer to this question? I've talked to my dad about it, and I like what he said. He said something along the lines of that we should speak positively of Christ. It is hard to give people grace when they don't see things the same way I do, but I really believe this is an area in my life where I need to grow. Instead of telling others why the way they see things is wrong, I can speak of how gracious God has been to me even though I don't deserve it and how I now have His righteousness and how Christ is my treasure and He alone satisfies. I understand that these words are often cliches in the Christian life, but for me it is real! I pray that I would live out what I believe about Christ in a way that wouldn't draw attention to myself, but instead, would stir other's for craving Him.

For anyone reading this: How do you interact/talk with people about God with people that don't share your same view about God?

1 comment:

  1. For me personally, I have struggled with this for some time. And recently, God has convicted me about it. One of my best friends in VA does believe God exists, but does not have a relationship with Him. I still share with her what God has been doing in my life, or I'll just say little things like "I'll be praying for you". Most of the time she just says "yeah" or "thanks"... quick replies & moves on. But I keep sharing with her.... It is a lot easier to tell people they are wrong. haha... but we do need to give people grace! Something I need to work on!
