Thursday, May 13, 2010

Quote from Young, Restless, and Reformed

"The problem with Calvinists is that they go full stream into arguments with others over the sovereignty of God because they think God's glory is at stake..... But arguing over this actually defeats the very belief that God is the one who sovereignly changes hearts and the will. By arguing you prove you don't really believe the things you claim to believe.....Humility acknowledges that we all need sovereign grace in our lives, and this glorifies our God"

I'm so guilty of this! I'm actually worse than this I would say. I don't try to convince people that Calvinism or the doctrines of grace are right to glorify God often times, instead I try to convince them so I will be right. That's so sinful! That in itself is pride. I pray that the words I speak would not be said to lift myself up or to make myself look good, but instead exult Christ and make Him look big. I should look for ways to glorify Christ without pounding my chest in pride. Amen?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, great quote. I'm guilty as well, Mark. Thanks for sharing!

    Becky Johnson
