Monday, May 10, 2010

Life on Crutches

One of the bright spots (there aren't many) is that I have something to blog about. I'm starting to get the hang of crutches. I think my wrists and arms are more sore than my fractured ankle. Am I being counter productive? Speaking of being productive, I feel fat, lazy, and helpless! I am so blessed with the people in my life though. I am completely worthless and everyone has helped me get my food, given me rides, and helped me with my job. This is a humbling experience, but I think there is a lesson to be learned here. I believe God wants to show me the importance of serving. I have been shown an unbelievable amount of grace. I only hope that I can serve others when I'm recovered. Also, God is showing me how to receive. Like I said, it takes a toll on my pride to have people do things for me. I have come to realize how prideful I am. Pride is sin. Sin is thinking it's about you, when it's really about God. God has given me everything, and I deserve nothing. That makes Him so much bigger. Pray that I will be able to receive from others and that I wouldn't let my ego get in the way of what God is doing.


  1. I've been praying for you, Mark! And I will continue to do so! =)

  2. Aww, Mark! I am sorry that you're injured, but I am thankful for your example and for God's mercy in our lives. We'll pray for you as well!

    Becky Johnson
