Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I don't know why I go months in between leg work outs! Today at the gym, I worked out lower body with some squats, weighted lunges, and some calf raises. All I can say is O U C H! I expected my ankle to be sore, but it turns out that my knee is bothering me! Either way you slice it, I have to start working out legs more often to get ready for hiking some of the Appalachian Trail in July. My legs are very shaky already, which is funny because you usually don't feel a good work out until 24 hours after you do it. I'm going to have lots of fun sitting down the next few days!

1 comment:

  1. Aww. Really? 24 hours? It's always right after for me! haha Get rested up for Thursday! ;) heehee
